

Monday, February 18, 2013


1 Peter 2:24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.

 I would feel it coming on, like a tidal wave that can be seen from the shoreline, and like the massive waves, there was no way of stopping it. No place to run either, because it was inside my brain. How does one run from anxiety attacks? The intense fear, as illogical as it may have seemed to others, was real in my mind. I was a prisoner to dread, and fear, and the notion to flee whatever was causing me 'harm'. I was miserable. If anyone has ever suffered from these, you know the misery they cause, and the vicious cycle it produces in your life. I wanted out! 

After doing large amounts of research of at home remedies, and trying them to no avail, I broke down and went to the doctor. Just going to the doctor caused me fear. After a questionnaire and prescriptions, I went home hoping this would be the end. It wasn't! I was taking medicine that woke me in a state of panic, and I found myself more miserable than before. After changing medicine, to no avail again, I began to yearn for God's healing touch. I had been out of church for awhile at that time, and had no concern for going back up until that moment. I felt a tug in my heart, like a memory from the past. I knew who God was, I was raised in church. I knew He healed. I knew I needed Him!

To make a long story short, God led me to a wonderful church, and to a compassionate pastor who prayed over me several times, and with God's help, I overcame my panic disorder. Does that mean I've never had another one? No, I have had to battle it a time or two since then, but it doesn't own me! I am free from the chains of that sickness, and it's all because of Christ. 

Matthew 15:30 And great crowds came to him, bringing with them the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute, and many others, and they put them at his feet, and he healed them.
They put them at Jesus' feet, and He healed them. What great compassion Christ had on humanity! He could've told them He was too busy, and to come back later, yet He didn't. He simply healed them instead. And later in the verse it says they were amazed, and began praising God! What a great example of what we should do when we find ourselves sick, or find one of our loved ones sick, take them to the feet of Christ! Believe in faith that Christ will heal, and when we find ourselves touched by the hand of God, praise Him! Offer thanksgiving!

I have heard and seen with my own eyes people touched by God and completely healed. I, myself, have experienced a healing touch. It can happen to anyone, anywhere, and at anytime. No matter how big the disease, how terminal the condition, how short the expected time frame for life given by the doctors is, God can heal! Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, it doesn't get much more terminal than that. When Jesus gave the final authority over the situation, and told Lazarus to come forth, his body obeyed! Not even death can stay when Jesus tells it to move. Lazarus came forth, bound and tied up in his deathbed clothing, a sign of what once was. Jesus immediately had them removed, for death no longer had hold on him! Jesus can do all.

But what if the healing doesn't come? A hard question to pose, especially when you've seen the sick stay sick, or worse, die because of it. Faith is tested in these times, when you've prayed and prayed for a healing, and yet the thing you want most has not come. What now? Why? Though I do not have all the answers to why some are healed and some are not, I do know God has a plan. He has a purpose for everyone. His ways far exceed ours, and His thoughts are much higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). In everything He does, good comes from it. Though it may not be evident right now, He has good for you, He can work good threw you. I'm not saying God takes people from us on purpose, or that He turns His back on some. What I am saying though, is that healing is not beyond God. He can do it, and will do it.
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding...
 In all our ways, we need to trust in Him, and not lean on our own ways. If your like me, you know your ways end on a dead end street with no progress, just lots of mess ups. God's way is much better. When we find ourselves face to face with sickness, of whatever sort, we can go to Jesus and lay it down at His feet. Then trust in Him to take care of us, whether it be through a doctor's care and knowledge, or through a miraculous touch, or a complete healing on the other side of this life. Trusting God takes having a deep relationship with Him, and knowing whatever He has in store for us is for our good. 

Mark 10:27 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.
Let's remember this, all things are possible with God. Nothing is too big or small for Him! 

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